7 Mart 2014 Cuma

Jvector Map Türkiye

Merhaba Jvectormap güzel bir uygulamadır ancak Türkiye haritası mevcut değil Elinizde olması adına Türkiye Vector Map turkey_jvectormap.rar

Converter için  Pyton vb şeylere ihtiyacınız var onun için de referans

6 Kasım 2013 Çarşamba

Assertion failure: "(!"SetThreadContext failed")"

Alıntıdır http://cc.embarcadero.com/Item/27521 This is an informal fix for debugger problems that occur when running Delphi 2007, C++Builder 2007, or RAD Studio 2007 on Windows 7. The primary problem being fixed is a debugger assert that usually occurs when terminating a process being debugged on a 64-bit version of Windows 7. The text of the assert is: Assertion failure: "(!"SetThreadContext failed")" This version also fixes a few minor problems when debugging on Windows 7. Before applying this fix, it is highly recommended that you make a backup copy of your existing bordbk105N.dll. Installation instructions: 1) Unzip the zip file. 2) Copy the bordbk105N.dll file into the bin directory of your Delphi 2007, C++Builder 2007, or RAD Studio 2007 installation. A typical location for this on a 64-bit machine is: C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\bin Standard disclaimers apply. This fix has not been tested at all, and it is not supported in any way by Embarcadero. If it works for you, great... if not, you've been warned.

8 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi


sp_who ya da sp_who2 ile aldığımız Spid ID sinin çalşıtırdığı sql komutunu görmek için DBCC INPUTBUFFER (spid) yazmanız yeterli :) Çok acil yazdım çıkmam lazım

17 Nisan 2012 Salı

16 Eylül 2010 Perşembe



sp_Msforeachtable güzel bir sistem prosedürü bir ara işinize yarayabilir
Sayfadan aldığım örnek ve kullanımı ile ilgili detaylı bilgi

xec @RETURN_VALUE=sp_MSforeachtable @command1, @replacechar, @command2,
@command3, @whereand, @precommand, @postcommand

@RETURN_VALUE - is the return value which will be set by "sp_MSforeachtable"
@command1 - is the first command to be executed by "sp_MSforeachtable" and is defined as a nvarchar(2000)
@replacechar - is a character in the command string that will be replaced with the table name being processed (default replacechar is a "?")
@command2 and @command3 are two additional commands that can be run for each table, where @command2 runs after @command1, and @command3 will be run after @command2
@whereand - this parameter can be used to add additional constraints to help identify the rows in the sysobjects table that will be selected, this parameter is also a nvarchar(2000)
@precommand - is a nvarchar(2000) parameter that specifies a command to be run prior to processing any table
@postcommand - is also a nvarchar(2000) field used to identify a command to be run after all commands have been processed against all tables
As you can see, there are quite a few options for the "sp_MSforeachtable" SP. Let's go through a couple of different examples to explore how this SP can be used to process commands against all the tables, or only a select set of tables in a database.

First let's build on our original example above and return row counts for tables that have a name that start with a "p." To do this we are going to use the @whereand parameter. Here is the code for this example:

use pubs
create table #rowcount (tablename varchar(128), rowcnt int)
exec sp_MSforeachtable
@command1 = 'insert into #rowcount select ''?'',
count(*) from ?',
@whereand = 'and name like ''p%'''
select top 5 * from #rowcount
order by tablename
drop table #rowcount
On my machine, the above code produced the following output:

tablename rowcnt
------------------ -----------
[dbo].[pub_info] 8
[dbo].[publishers] 8
By reviewing the code above, you can see I am now using the @command1, and the @whereand parameter. The @whereand parameter above was used to constrain the WHERE clause and only select tables that have a table name that starts with a "p." To do this I specified "and name like ''p%''" for the @whereand parameter. If you needed to have multiple constraints like all tables that start with "p," and all the tables that start with "a," then the @whereand parameter would look like this:

and name like ''p%'' or name like ''a%''
Note, that in the @command1 string in the above example there is a "?". This "?" is the default replacement character for the table name. Now if for some reason you need to use the "?" as part of your command string then you would need to use the @replacechar parameter to specify a different replacement character. Here is another example that builds on the above example and uses the "{" as the replacement character:

create table #rowcount (tablename varchar(128), rowcnt int)
exec sp_MSforeachtable
@command1 = 'insert into #rowcount select
''Is the rowcount for table {?'',
count(*) from {',
@replacechar = '{',
@whereand = 'and name like ''p%'''
select tablename as question, rowcnt from #rowcount
order by tablename
drop table #rowcount
Here is the output from this command on my machine:

question rowcnt
------------------------------------------------ -----------
Is the rowcount for table [dbo].[pub_info]? 8
Is the rowcount for table [dbo].[publishers]? 8
There are two more parameters to discuss, @precommand, and @postcommand. Here is an example that uses both of these commands:

exec sp_MSforeachtable
@command1 = 'print ''Processing table ?''',
@whereand = 'and name like ''p%''',
@precommand = 'Print ''precommand execution '' ',
@postcommand = 'Print ''postcommand execution '' '
Here is the output from this command when run on my machine:

precommand execution
Processing table [dbo].[pub_info]
Processing table [dbo].[publishers]
postcommand execution
As you can see, the "PRINT" T-SQL command associated with the "@precommand" parameter was only executed once, prior to processing through the tables. Whereas, the "@postcommmand" statement was executed after all the tables where processed, and was only executed once. Using the pre and post parameters would be useful if I had some processing I wanted done prior to running a command against each table, and/or I needed to do some logic after all tables where processed.


28 Temmuz 2010 Çarşamba

22 Haziran 2010 Salı

FIX: Error Code 29506, While installing SQL Management Studio Express on Windows Vista x64

Merhaba windows Vista 64 bit işletimli bir makinaya SQL Server Management Studio kurar iken karşınıza yukarıdaki resimdeki gibi bir hata çıkarsa yapmanız gerekenler aşağıaki gibi

1. CMD komut istemcisini yönetici olarak çalıştırın .
2. daha sonra kurulum paketini buradan komut olarak çalıştırın :
3.Sonra gelen yönergelere göre işleminiz tamamlayın